Certainly, we must endeavor to learn how to get laid, so our existence has been imbued with a series of beliefs, taboos, myths and impositions that have contributed to the deterioration of our mental health and have impeded the development of a more enjoyable life. Thousands of years and experiences we have barbaric legacy a "brilliant" and wide catalogue, guide us properly on sexual behavior, particularly getting laid, as it were, and loving life to the fullest.
All this has made it possible that we have stored in our minds what we have been unable to offer and share with complete naturalness the exquisite pleasure to get laid with our bodies becoming one in sheer sexual ecstasy, only if we have any chance to live our intimacy with complete freedom. Not forgetting, of course, the enormous difficulties that are to react to a history so sad, that gripped not only of our minds, but also of our glorious naked bodies.
We walked on water, unable to cross into the other side. Guided by footprints in which we do not recognize our footsteps. Waiting to implement an entire universe of standards and guidelines, hoping that reason will guide our instincts, hoping that the heart is oxide, and hoping that money between the door and love exit at the window. Hoping she will place her hand upon his body...
Both love and sex become one of the last refuges where we can achieve the approval of others and receive recognition, without which, the doubts and uncertainty we would argue with difficulty.
And challenges are, according to the facts, which hide our lives when we try to understand the meaning we give to sexual behavior and the loving, as we are unable in many instances to recognize the blurred image that reflects the mirror. Strategies maimed by the abyss of desire. Soledades not lie.
The story of love and sex and "getting laid" will provide an opportunity for us to go discovering the most significant transformations, those who have made it possible for today react in a certain way in relation to others.
Since this section issues specific ways to understand this world that seems designed to balance. Repasaremos understand other forms of sexual life; us closer to a world of worries, fears and even fears. Share your views, which will assist us in the company develop a framework for discussion that will accommodate, in addition to information, discussion, without which lacks the capability of understanding needed to deal with aspects that in countless occasions are kept hidden .
It is, ultimately, to overcome a major commitment to life itself. Commitment already saw the light with the sexual revolution, which remains in force with the fight that kept millions of people (almost all women), and hopefully that will continue from this section.
Try to go this small world for the sole purpose of achieving smile more often, and recognize in our bodies naked short stories unforgettable.
Click HERE To Learn How To Get Laid!
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